How to deinstall Oracle 19c binaries on Linux

By DBAStack

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How to deinstall oracle 19c binaries on linux


In our previous article, we covered the Installation of Oracle 19c Binaries. In contrast, today we will see How to deinstall Oracle 19c binaries on Linux.

How to deinstall Oracle 19c binaries on Linux

We will follow the below steps to deinstall Oracle 19c binaries.

1. Prerequisites

a) As a prerequisite, we should check where are the details of our oracle home present which you will get at the below path.

cd /u01/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML

cat inventory.xml



b) Before starting the installation, it's a good practice to back up the Oracle Home directory. While this step is optional, having a backup ensures that if you need to reinstall later, you can easily restore from it.

tar -pcvf /u01/OH_backup/Oracle_Home.tar /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1



2. Deinstallation of Oracle Binaries

Step 1) First, navigate to the directory where the deinstall script is located.

cd $ORACLE_HOME/deinstall

Step 2) You need to execute the deinstall script and pass the details wherever required.



oracle@practice ORA01234 /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1/deinstall$ ./deinstall
Checking for required files and bootstrapping …
Please wait …
Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/

###### ORACLE DECONFIG TOOL START ############


[START] Install check configuration

Checking for existence of the Oracle home location /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
Oracle Home type selected for deinstall is: Oracle Single Instance Database
Oracle Base selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/oracle
Checking for the existence of central inventory location /u01/app/oraInventory

## [END] Install check configuration ##

Network Configuration check config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/netdc_check2024-10-09_05-50-19PM.log

Network Configuration check config END

Database Check Configuration START

Database de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/databasedc_check2024-10-09_05-50-19PM.log

Use a comma as a separator when specifying the list of values as input

Specify the list of database names that are configured in this Oracle home []: —->Here you need to provide the database name if any of them are configured
Database Check Configuration END

############ DECONFIG CHECK OPERATION END############


Oracle Home selected for deinstall is: /u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1
inventory Location where the Oracle home is registered is: /u01/app/oraInventory
Do you want to continue (y – yes, n – no)? [n]: Y ——> Please check properly if the correct home is selected for deinstallation

A log of this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2024-10-09_05-50-18-PM.out'
Any error messages from this session will be written to: '/tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/deinstall_deconfig2024-10-09_05-50-18-PM.err'

################## DECONFIG CLEAN OPERATION START##################

Database de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/databasedc_clean2024-10-09_05-50-19PM.log

Network Configuration clean config START

Network de-configuration trace file location: /tmp/deinstall2024-10-09_05-49-06PM/logs/netdc_clean2024-10-09_05-50-19PM.log

The network configuration has been cleaned up successfully.

Network Configuration clean config END




Successfully detached Oracle home '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1' from the central inventory on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/oracle/product/19.0.0/dbhome_1' on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/oraInventory' on the local node.
Successfully deleted directory '/u01/app/oracle' on the local node.
Oracle Universal Installer cleanup was successful.

Run 'rm -r /etc/oraInst.loc' as root on node(s) 'practice' at the end of the session.

Run 'rm -r /opt/ORCLfmap' as root on node(s) 'practice' at the end of the session.
Run 'rm -r /etc/oratab' as root on node(s) 'practice' at the end of the session.

Oracle deinstall tool successfully cleaned up temporary directories.


Step 3) Now you need to run a few above recommendations as a last step of how to deinstall Oracle 19c binaries on Linux

a) rm -r /etc/oraInst.loc as root user

rm -r /etc/oraInst.loc

b) rm -rf /opt/ORCLfmap as root user

rm -rf  /opt/ORCLfmap

c) rm -rf /etc/oratab as root user

rm -rf /etc/oratab

3. Manual Deletion of Oracle Home

At times, the ORACLE software installation may become corrupted, and in such cases, the deinstallation utilities mentioned above won't be enough to remove the software. You'll need to stop all running Oracle databases and processes associated with ORACLE_HOME, then manually delete the ORACLE_HOME files.

rm -rf *

Remove all the contents from the ORACLE_BASE directory

rm -rf *

Remove oraInst.loc file

c) rm -rf /etc/oraInst.loc

Remove all the contents from the ORCLfmap directory

d) rm -rf /opt/ORCLfmap

Remove all the contents from the oratab directory

e) rm -rf /etc/oratab


This concludes our step-by-step article on How to deinstall Oracle 19c binaries on Linux. If you enjoyed the article, please leave a comment and share it with your friends. Also, let me know which Oracle and MySQL topics you'd like to see covered in future articles. Please see the related articles along with the guide to downloading the required software and files from Oracle and MySQL official websites.

x11 variable not set in Oracle 19c

How to install Oracle 19c binaries on Linux


I have experience in database technology for more than 8 years. I hope with the help of this blog I will share knowledge and real-world experience with you all. You all can join me and together we will explore the world of database technology!

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